Radmila Todosijevic, National Project Co-ordination Officer, OSCE Mission to Serbia. ( OSCE )

I like the idea of being part of an Organization that works to improve the institutions of my own country, as well as across the region. It’s a motivation for me. The Mission always looks at what Serbia needs – either with its institutions or with civil society, and in line with the mandate, we brew ideas and develop projects to assist.

I also find the diversity of the people I work with to be enriching - people with different backgrounds, areas of expertise, mentalities and nationalities. So, it comes as a double privilege to work here – professionally and personally. In my case, this is particularly important, as I couldn’t work for a company or organization I didn’t identify with – that’s just part of who I am.

My job gives me a comprehensive overview of the Mission’s work, as I co-ordinate the Mission’s budget documents and follow programmatic Departments’ activities almost on a daily basis. I review project proposals, liaise with donors, and ensure that what we do is reflected in the country’s strategies and international reports, so that any possible overlap of activities is avoided and the work of the international organisations is complementary.

What I particularly appreciate about the OSCE is its flexibility in offering assistance.  It’s one of our main advantages compared to some other international organizations.  This is why even with limited resources we’re often in a position to do much more. We’ve been in the field here for 12 years now, and have excellent working relationships with Serbian institutions and civil society, which creates just about the right framework for making a good and visible impact.